Rhinos are not the first animals that come to mind when you think about extinction, but the threat is real. Rhinoceros have 5 species native to Africa and Southern Asia. The 5 species are Black, White, Greater one-horned, Javan and Sumatran. There are only 5 white rhinos left in the world, one of them lives right here in southern California at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. There are less than 30,000 rhinos remaining on Earth. Every 8 hours a rhino is poached by cultures who use the Rhino’s horn for ornaments and medicinal purposes. Join the fight to prevent the extinction of rhinos. All you have to do to participate is write Stop Killing Rhinos on your hand and post the photo on your favorite social media network with #Rally4Rhinos. If you would like to know more information or donate to the cause visit http://www.endextinction.org/rally4rhinos.